Dashboard for Employees Database
- Published on
- Features
- MySQL relational database, CRUD operations, Search and Filters
- Role
- Fulls stack and Production Deployment
- Notes
- Multi-User access creds
- Technology
- MERN Stack JWT, Sequelize, Redux, Material UI
About this project
- Live version of the site here: Employees Control Panel
- Source Code Back End
- Source Code Front End
Employee Salary Management Dashboard
Welcome to the Employee Salary Management Dashboard! This application is designed to help you manage employee information and their salaries using a MySQL relational database on the backend, powered by Node.js, while the frontend is built with React and utilizes Material UI for a clean and intuitive user interface. With this dashboard, you have full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capabilities to effectively manage employee records and their associated salary information.
User-friendly Interface: The frontend of the application is built using React, providing an intuitive and responsive user interface. Material UI components are utilized to ensure a modern and aesthetically pleasing design.
Employee Management: The dashboard allows you to view, add, update, and delete employee records. You can easily navigate through the list of employees and perform necessary actions with just a few clicks.
Salary Tracking: Each employee's salary information is stored in the MySQL relational database. You can add new salary entries, update existing ones, and keep track of historical salary data.
CRUD Operations: The application provides full CRUD capabilities, allowing you to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on both employee records and salary entries.
Search and Filters: Easily search for specific employees using search filters, making it convenient to locate and manage individual employee information.
Tech Stack
import express from "express";
//const express = require("express");
import compression from "compression";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import cors from "cors";
import helmet from "helmet";
/* eslint-disable */
const env = require("dotenv").config().parsed;
import { verifyToken, verifyTokenAdmin } from "./components/RoutFuctions";
import * as users from "./routes/UserRoutes";
import * as employees from "./routes/EmployeeRoutes";
import * as department from "./routes/DepartmentRoutes";
import * as dept_manager from "./routes/DeptManagerRoutes";
import * as salary from "./routes/SalaryRoutes";
import * as title from "./routes/TitleRoutes";
import * as logs from "./routes/LogRoutes";
import * as basic from "./routes/Basic";
const urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false });
const app = express();
const jsonParser = bodyParser.json();
const port = env.NODE_PORT || 5020;
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.post("/users_register", users.register);
app.post("/users_edit", verifyTokenAdmin, users.register);
app.post("/users_delete", verifyTokenAdmin, users.del);
app.post("/users_list", verifyToken, users.list);
app.post("/users_login", users.login);
app.post("/emp_add", verifyTokenAdmin, employees.add);
app.post("/emp_edit", verifyTokenAdmin, employees.edit);
app.post("/emp_remove", verifyTokenAdmin, employees.remove);
app.post("/emp_list", verifyToken, employees.list);
app.post("/emp_details", verifyToken, employees.details);
app.post("/dept_search", verifyToken, department.search);
app.post("/dept_edit", verifyTokenAdmin, department.edit);
app.post("/dept_remove", verifyToken, department.remove_department);
app.post("/dept_get_emp_by", verifyToken, department.get_emp_by_depo);
app.post("/dept_details", verifyToken, department.get_details);
app.post("/dept_list", verifyToken, department.get_departments);
app.post("/depman_add", verifyTokenAdmin, dept_manager.add);
app.post("/depman_edit", verifyTokenAdmin, dept_manager.edit);
app.post("/depman_rm_man", verifyTokenAdmin, dept_manager.rem_manager);
app.post("/depman_list", verifyToken, dept_manager.list);
app.post("/depman_get_emp_v_man", verifyToken, dept_manager.get_emp_v_depo);
app.post("/depman_details", verifyToken, dept_manager.details);
app.post("/salary_list", verifyToken, salary.list);
app.post("/title_rem", verifyTokenAdmin, title.remove);
app.post("/title_list", verifyToken, title.list);
app.post("/title_details", verifyToken, title.details);
app.post("/logs_list", verifyToken, logs.list);
app.post("/logs_get_count", verifyToken, logs.get_count);
app.post("/basic_api", verifyToken, basic.api);
app.post("/schemas", verifyToken, basic.schemas);
app.post("/tables", verifyToken, basic.tables);
if (env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
// set static folder
app.listen(port, function() {
console.log("Server is running on port: " + port);
export default app;