Next.jsChatGPTReactGoogle CloudOpenAI

ChaGPT OpenAI Google Cloud NextJS App

By Michael Nelles
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Published on
NextJS, TypeScript, Google Cloud, ChatGPT API
Developer, Tester, Production
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About this project

Technology Stack (extended):

  • Next.js, TypeScript, Google Cloud, ChatGPT API: As previously mentioned.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store and manage the conversation history and AI-generated responses.

Features (with MongoDB integration):

  • Conversation History Storage:
    • Each user's conversation history is stored in MongoDB.
    • Conversations are organized as documents, containing user inputs and AI-generated responses in chronological order.

Workflow (with MongoDB integration):

  • User Interaction:

    • Users interact with the conversational interface as described earlier.
  • Conversational AI Processing:

    • The frontend and backend processes remain the same.
  • Storing Conversations in MongoDB:

    • After receiving the AI-generated response from the ChatGPT API, the backend saves the user input and AI response as a document in MongoDB.
    • The document includes metadata such as timestamp, user ID, and conversation context.
  • Retrieving and Displaying Conversations:

    • Users can request their conversation history.
    • The backend queries MongoDB to retrieve the user's conversation documents.
    • The frontend displays the retrieved conversations, allowing users to review their interactions.

Use Cases (with MongoDB integration):

  • MongoDB allows users to revisit past interactions, making it useful for reference, analysis, or record-keeping purposes.
  • Users can track the progression of a conversation and review AI-generated responses.

Benefits (with MongoDB integration):

  • Conversation history is persisted, enabling users to access past interactions.
  • MongoDB offers flexibility in managing unstructured or semi-structured data like chat conversations.
  • Historical data can be used for analysis or improvement of the AI model.

Future Enhancements (with MongoDB integration):

  • Implementing search and filtering options for users to easily find specific conversations.
  • Adding user preferences to customize conversation storage, retrieval, or privacy settings.
  • Incorporating analytics to gain insights from the stored conversation data.

By integrating MongoDB into the app, I have adding a valuable layer of data storage that enables users to revisit their past conversations with the AI chatbot. This enhances the user experience and provides a historical context for interactions.

Tech Stack


An example of the NextJS API Route: Github Repo Source Code

"use client";

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";

import Form from "@/components/Form";
import { Session } from "next-auth";

const CreatePrompt = () => {
 const router = useRouter();
 const { data: session }: { data: Session | null } = useSession();

 const [submitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false);
 const [post, setPost] = useState({ prompt: "", tag: "" });

 const createPrompt = async (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {

    try {
       const response = await fetch("/api/prompt/new", {
          method: "POST",
          body: JSON.stringify({
             prompt: post.prompt,
                session && session.user &&
                   : null,
             tag: post.tag,

       if (response.ok) {
    } catch (error) {
    } finally {

 return (

export default CreatePrompt;